Make a Difference, Volunteer Today! JOIN OUR TEAM
From the dedicated firefighters on the front lines to the skilled support staff behind the scenes, explore the diverse roles and responsibilities that make up our fire department.
Chief 200: Vincent Lovallo
Assistant Chief 210: Patrick Fiedler
Assistant Chief 220: Eric Popleik
Captain 221: Joseph Ganci
Captain 222: Scott Kennedy
Lieutenant 223: Sean Jusino
Lieutenant 224: Mark Boyko
Lieutenant 225: Sean Brown
Chief Engineer 230: Jack Kokoszka
President: Michael Petschauer
Vice President: Sean Jusino
Treasurer: Doug Kretkowski
Recording Secretary: Lisa Lent
Corresponding Secretary: Sean Brown
Edward Bachorik Jr.
James Barber
Lukas Blach
Jared Bloodworth
Nicholas Bove
Mark Boyko
Sean Brown
Thomas Ciccone
Jesse Cotugno
Joseph Dunn *
Ryan Elliott
Patrick Fiedler *
James Flores *
Joseph Ganci
Leland Garrity
Kathy Gerak
Charles Haggerty
John Hauser *
Brian Hilliard
Jhamal Jarvis
Corrie Johnson
Sean Jusino
Robert Karmel
Scott Kennedy *
Jack Kokoszka *
Doug Kretkowski
Lisa Lent
Vincent Lovallo
Eduardo Mendez *
Vincent Negron
Michael Petschauer *
Eric Popleik *
John Reilly *
* Active Life Members
Alan Arrowsmith
John Dewhurst
Joseph Dunn
Patrick Fielder
Doug Florek
Steve Florek
James Flores
Dale Green
Nicholas Guigno
Gerald Herzog
John Hauser
Scott Kennedy
Jack Kokoszka
Thomas Loughney
Eduardo Mendez
Garrick Miller
Thomas Miller
Darren Murphy
Michael Petschauer
Dave Ploskanka
Eric Popleik
Matthew Rosenstreich
Eugene Quirk
Randy Rapp
John Reilly
Britton Schulmeister
Thomas J. Small
Thomas W. Small
William Thumann
Kenneth Trabalka
Robert Vernachio
Bruce Walker
Alan Arrowsmith
Paul Hanson
John Hauser
Martin Lally
Garrick Miller
Luz Betancourt
Elaine Cohan
Blanche Duncan (Treasurer)
Dorothy Fenwick
Celeste Florek
Donna Florek
Betty Green (Corresponding Secretary)
Carolyn Hauser
Dorothy Hauser
Janice Hawley
Lorraine Kahsau
Janet Kilheeney
Michelle Lally
Debbie Mellon
Pigott Petronelle
Sheila Piazza
Jeanmarie Podolak
Patricia Schuck (Chaplain)
Gina Talamo (President)
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